How To Present Finances In Chiropractic

There’s no two ways about it – presenting finances can be nerve-wracking. Both for a new patient and for the doctor hoping for a “yes.” But the reality is too many docs overcomplicate things, and when patients get hit with confusing pricing, they hesitate. And guess what? Confused minds don’t buy. So, what’s step 1 of presenting finances? Keep it simple and clear.

When you streamline your approach and make the decision process a breeze, you’ll see more yeses, and things will flow a lot more smoothly. In chiropractic sales, simplicity isn’t just nice to have—it’s a must.

When it’s go-time to present the numbers, don’t overcomplicate it. I recommend giving them two clear choices—maybe a sweet discount for paying upfront or a flexible payment plan that’s easy to manage. This approach doesn’t just make things simple; it puts the power in your patients’ hands. This makes patients feel like they have a choice instead of just forcing something down their throats.

Now, let’s talk about value stacking. Before you even think about dropping the price of your care, you need to show your patients everything they’re getting. Break it down—every adjustment, every consultation, every little thing that adds up to their health. When patients see the full picture, your fees start to make sense. Regardless of the type of practice you’re running, clearly defining what they’re getting will justify a higher price. This is what the sales world refers to as perceived value.

In today’s day and age, when patients are more cost-conscious than ever, nailing your finance presentation is a must.

If you’re interested in seeing how a 15-year chiropractic sales vet presents finances, simply enter your email to get access to the video.

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